

Monaca | モナカでNendの広告を表示する方法 その⑤

This Topic Posts: Monaca | How to view Ad of Nend - No.1/5 Monaca | How to view Ad of Nend - No.2/5 Monaca | How to...

Monaca | モナカでNendの広告を表示する方法 その②

Step1.Register Monaca Move to " Then, click "Try it now !(FREE)". Next, input your e-mail address and username. Chec...

Monaca | モナカでNendの広告を表示する方法 その①

I am using Monaca to develop a application for iOS/Android. Now, I am making simple Translator App with free. So, I wil...

Direct3D | how to get Vertex from Mesh is loaded from .x file (C#)Direct3D | .x ファイルから読み込んだ Meshから頂点情報を取得する(C#)

How to get Vertex from Mesh that loaded by .x File. Load Mesh from .x File(how to load mesh from .x file) Then, get ...

Direct3D | Load Mesh From “.x” files (C#)Direct3D | .x ファイルから Meshを読み込む(C#)

This is exmaple how to load Mesh from .x file. (c#) Use Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Mesh.FromFile(String,MeshFlags,Dev...

VisualStudio | Can not build by Error (0x800700C1)VisualStudio | 0x800700C1の例外エラーが発生してビルドできない

I have got a Error 0x800700C1 when build a Application using DirectX. Error Message like below(Japanese) So, I...

(Japanese) My favorite book about iPhone App Developおすすめ iPhone App 開発書籍 | 絶対に挫折しないiPhoneアプリ開発「超」入門

This is my favorite book(japanese) about iPhone App Development. This book is useful for begginer too. Interesting e...

PHP | Change the display and operation by languagePHP | 言語別に表示・動作を変える

When you want to switch the display to another language , such as Facebook and plug-ins Twitter. I will describe the f...